Monday, October 14, 2013


"Crowd of Footprints " illustration from Nancy Standlee for my "Dreams of the Turtle King" beach poem book.

The poem is CROWD OF FOOTPRINTS and the illustration is for a stanza in the poem ...
"The sand is soft
between my toes
as I walk over
multitudes of
old footprints..."

Another poem to capture the sweet moments of contemplation that can be found on the beach. Some days the sand is fresh, completely smoothed out by the previous tide and unmarked by other human activity.

This morning, there were many footprints and sandal and shoe prints in the sand. Some going one direction, some the other, some wandering along. It seemed poignant to me that all these people had come walking there before me and I saw all of their footprints, being the one to come last. 

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