Sunday, October 13, 2013

The poem is ORPHANS...

"Orphans" illustration from Nancy Standlee for my "Dreams of the Turtle King" beach poem book.

The poem is ORPHANS and the illustration is for a stanza in the poem ...
"Two sofa cushions
lie askew on the

The types of objects that can be found on the beach in the early morning at sunrise are surprising and varied. You find the usual suspects, such as regular trash of cups, water bottles, bags, abandoned or forgotten beach equipment, etc. Then you find some more unusual objects, like deflated balloons or metal signs.

The pair of sofa cushions was one of the most unusual I came across, particularly because of their size. It was hard to believe they had made it to the beach without just sinking under the water. It certainly did beg the question of how they got into the water in the first place, let alone made the trip to the beach to meet me that morning. 

The cities along the beaches hire people to scour the beach on a regular basis for trash to make sure the beach is beautiful and enjoyable for the tourists. They even have bulldozers (another poem!) that come along to clear up the seaweed (another poem!) when it starts to cover the beach too much. Not sure how these sofa cushions were dealt with or if the people pulling them off the beach had the same thoughts as me about the cushions travels.

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